Thursday, August 25, 2016




Final countdown!
I just wanted to say that I don't remember when I did this so yeah anyways lets get to it! My score on timed was 51/60 which is pretty good!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Olympic torch

Olympic Torch


So today my friend Jorja brought in the Olympic torch held by her dad do you know how cool this is! Spoiler alert I held the Olympic torch!

Here's a photo of us with it! 

OMG I got to hold the Olympic Torch!

Do you know how cool this is I think I am so lucky just to hold it and see it and touch it. This is a very very very rare opportunity! I'm so happy.


Prototec again????

Hello it is I Amelia *Does evil laugh* 
Yes I have another prototec but this time I'll make it interesting for you guys. There will be a twist not like normal and if you like please tell so I know if I should start doing it more often or not.

My score 58/60 I think I did pretty well because it is actually kinda hard. As you will see in the first picture it says stage 5 so I challenge you to try it and tell me what your score was!

Here are some pictures for yous'e!

This is the start and you can see my score!

Can you  beat this?

Last score!
I am super proud of this! Did you read the captions to see the twist? You did great! Thanks for reading my post. 


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Caring for others

Caring for others!

1) Help others
Help others out!

Put people up not down!

3)Give a helping hand
If someone is hurt or sad and no one cares then you should care for them instead!

If someone is angry about something you can feel the same way and understand!

I am going to do the above because these are all very important things to care for others!

Caring for others

Caring for others!

1) Help others
Help others out!

Put people up not down!

3)Give a helping hand
If someone is hurt or sad and no one cares then you should care for them instead!

If someone is angry about something you can feel the same way and understand!

I am going to do the above because these are all very important things to care for others!

Caring for others

Caring for others!

1) Help others
Help others out!

Put people up not down!

3)Give a helping hand
If someone is hurt or sad and no one cares then you should care for them instead!

If someone is angry about something you can feel the same way and understand!

I am going to do the above because these are all very important things to care for others!

Monday, August 1, 2016

How to be friendly!

1) Manners 
Use please and thank you!

2)Be yourself
Don't act like others!

Then they will smile back!

If someone is sad help them by letting them play with you!

Don't judge a book by it's cover!

Manners is because it is kind and respectful!
Be yourself because I see people try to act like others so that they like them!
Smile it is very kind!
Include if you see someone that is not playing with any one and looks sad invite them!
Judging it is super rude to judge because you never know they could be so nice and look mean or they could look nice but be mean!

Last week I learnt be friendly by not pushing people at netball and playing fair and that you should never bully! Next time I will play netball fair by giving the other team a chance!